Persistent History: Anatomy of a Website Mod
A persistent history concept that modifies a site to track read articles with Tampermonkey, Stylish, Raspberry, Nginx, PHP, MYSQL, Cloud9 IDE, WordPress…
A persistent history concept that modifies a site to track read articles with Tampermonkey, Stylish, Raspberry, Nginx, PHP, MYSQL, Cloud9 IDE, WordPress…
25 simple Line Icon Set is the ninth part of a larger package that is free to use for commercial or private purposes. Because of their uncomplicated, style-independent form, you can use these icons in a variety of areas. The files are available in a professional vector format.
See what features we use daily and how the team applies this wonderful tool. Our products make use of ClickUp for project management as it’s the best.
It’s possible to drag and drop a file onto the Choose File button to upload it. This trick works on sites that don’t implement a fancy dropzone.
Have you ever failed to import large SQL files with phpMyAdmin? Could a free tool like BigDump be the cure to the file size limit problem? Find out!
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