Animate SVG Lines and Closed Paths with Dash Attributes
Learn how to animate SVG paths using only CSS. Techniques include reverse direction, moving the start point, drawing with multiple lines, or inside out.
Case studies from plugin and web development. Deep dive into coding and see how we solve hard problems. Learn about the peculiarities of programming.
Learn how to animate SVG paths using only CSS. Techniques include reverse direction, moving the start point, drawing with multiple lines, or inside out.
A parameter called ‘selectors’ in Elementor Controls will manipulate CSS of the live preview on the fly. They collectively form the design of widgets.
Learn an undocumented, but vital feature that we use when developing custom Elementor Widgets. Control conditions reveal settings only when needed.
Our brand new product, SVG Divider for Elementor decorates your site with eye-catching artwork. Let’s see what kind of novelty it brings to the table!
Let’s develop WordPress plugins in the cloud, on an Amazon EC2 instance! This tutorial shows how to set up remote development with Visual Studio Code.
The first step of moving WordPress to the cloud is choosing an appropriate Linux image. I’ve tried Amazon Machine Image and DigitalOcean variants.
Read the story of the once popular YARPP or Yet Another Related Posts Plugin. Who were its developers? What led it down the path of deterioration?
If you are using var_dump or print_r then perhaps debugging PHP with Kint will make your life a bit easier. This is only for developers, mind you!
A persistent history concept that modifies a site to track read articles with Tampermonkey, Stylish, Raspberry, Nginx, PHP, MYSQL, Cloud9 IDE, WordPress…
Learn about a CLI tool called PHP CompatInfo to get the minimum required PHP version your project needs. It provides a very detailed analysis of your code.
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