Let’s Go Icon Set – Vol.3
This 25 simple Line Icon Set is the third part of a larger package that is free to use for commercial or private purposes.
This 25 simple Line Icon Set is the third part of a larger package that is free to use for commercial or private purposes.
Find out what separates the Worth the Read plugin from the rest of the reading progress bar and reading time commitment indicator solutions.
Find out what the Author Slug is and how to change it easily in WordPress. A safe and user-friendly way to make up for the lack of built-in functionality.
Add two buttons to the Android home screen to hibernate or turn on your computer from anywhere in the world. Courtesy of Raspberry Pi, SSH, and Wake-on-LAN.
This 25 simple Line Icon Set is the second part of a larger package that is free to use for commercial or private purposes.
Our interview with Nextend shines the light on the people behind the successful Smart Slider. It’s a personal story of how they balance life and work.
You’ll learn a fantastic new approach to creating WordPress sites using Elementor and Underscores. They are a modern builder and a blank boilerplate theme.
This 25 simple Line Icon Set is the first part of a larger package that is free to use for commercial or private purposes.
Make Raspberry Pi automatically update a domain after your IP changes. Gain access to your home server from anywhere with Cloudflare as Dynamic DNS.
What’s the best way to add PHP code snippets to your site? Learn why “put this in your theme’s functions.php” is the worst advice.
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