Monitor Amazon EC2 Memory and Disk Usage with CloudWatch
Expose these much-needed custom metrics from your instance. Graph and monitor EC2 memory and disk usage on a custom dashboard to avoid underprovisioning.
$skill == "ninja" ? set_level("advanced") : die();
For those with a solid understanding of web technologies. We assume pre-existing knowledge and won’t bore you with baby steps. A true deep dive into development.
Expose these much-needed custom metrics from your instance. Graph and monitor EC2 memory and disk usage on a custom dashboard to avoid underprovisioning.
Adding new domains are easy when you host multiple similar sites with OpenLiteSpeed VHost Templates. We use this for hosting WordPress on Amazon EC2 by AWS.
After using its GUI, I turned to the command line Search Replace DB tool when I moved a WordPress site. Here is why and what errors prompted me to do it.
The first step of moving WordPress to the cloud is choosing an appropriate Linux image. I’ve tried Amazon Machine Image and DigitalOcean variants.
If you are using var_dump or print_r then perhaps debugging PHP with Kint will make your life a bit easier. This is only for developers, mind you!
A persistent history concept that modifies a site to track read articles with Tampermonkey, Stylish, Raspberry, Nginx, PHP, MYSQL, Cloud9 IDE, WordPress…
Have you ever failed to import large SQL files with phpMyAdmin? Could a free tool like BigDump be the cure to the file size limit problem? Find out!
Learn about a CLI tool called PHP CompatInfo to get the minimum required PHP version your project needs. It provides a very detailed analysis of your code.
You can use the free service at 3v4l.org to test your code snippets against old PHP versions. Thankfully, the days of installing old PHP are over.
My story about using the monospaced developer font called Fira Code. It comes with many programming ligatures that are combined special characters.
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