Customize Vivaldi browser with Custom CSS
Make the bookmarks bar more compact and colorize tabs based on their content. This requires no extensions since modders simply use CSS to customize Vivaldi.
Make the bookmarks bar more compact and colorize tabs based on their content. This requires no extensions since modders simply use CSS to customize Vivaldi.
The advanced and robust secure sharing method for Windows networks. Clients connect to the server with passwords, then map network drives to access files.
Learn this pre-flight checklist to test websites before public release. Simulate devices, purge the cache in mobile browsers, avoid adblock-related issues.
Use this guide to reclaim free space in your Gmail without deleting any email. Thunderbird can remove attachments from emails, leaving behind a placeholder.
In pursuit of a perfect UI, you can leverage Open Broadcaster Software as an overkill magnifier to inspect pixels for achieving a better look & feel.
Grammarly helps me write these articles and I share why I chose it and how it affects my workflow. It’s an AI-based spell checker that works in the cloud.
If you call yourself a power user, you must check out Vivaldi, a Chrome-like browser. My favorite feature is its vertical tabs.
Pushbullet is a notification service that helps you send messages to yourself, links and files between devices. It even has an API and many integrations.
If you are using var_dump or print_r then perhaps debugging PHP with Kint will make your life a bit easier. This is only for developers, mind you!
See what features we use daily and how the team applies this wonderful tool. Our products make use of ClickUp for project management as it’s the best.
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