Customize Vivaldi browser with Custom CSS
Make the bookmarks bar more compact and colorize tabs based on their content. This requires no extensions since modders simply use CSS to customize Vivaldi.
Less drag and drop, more under the hood. When you have some coding experience and you’ve already gotten your feet wet with customizing your site, choose this level.
Make the bookmarks bar more compact and colorize tabs based on their content. This requires no extensions since modders simply use CSS to customize Vivaldi.
Learn how to download a Discourse forum in its entirety in a stripped-down HTML version, using Wget. Then isolate your threads to separate folders.
Instead of manually adding it every time (or not having one at all), let’s use the post title as alt text on every article’s featured image for better SEO.
Increase the usefulness of your WordPress internal links by adding a tooltip preview that shows the title, excerpt, and image of the target post.
Learn this pre-flight checklist to test websites before public release. Simulate devices, purge the cache in mobile browsers, avoid adblock-related issues.
In pursuit of a perfect UI, you can leverage Open Broadcaster Software as an overkill magnifier to inspect pixels for achieving a better look & feel.
We use the free UpdraftPlus plugin to connect to Amazon S3 for WordPress backups. AWS is cheaper than Google Drive or Dropbox for our storage needs.
Learn how to send mail from Amazon EC2 instances by utilizing Simple Email Service (SES). You’ll use a PHP snippet to tell WordPress the SMTP credentials.
Do you want to use an email address with your domain, but don’t want to check multiple mailboxes? You can use Mailgun to forward those emails to Gmail!
A snippet that adds an author dropdown to filter posts by a specific author. This is for the All Posts screen of the WordPress admin dashboard.
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