WordPress Real Media Library Review
See how I began to know the top-selling WordPress Real Media Library and its developer. It’s a plugin to organize uploads into folders in your dashboard.
See how I began to know the top-selling WordPress Real Media Library and its developer. It’s a plugin to organize uploads into folders in your dashboard.
Increase the usefulness of your WordPress internal links by adding a tooltip preview that shows the title, excerpt, and image of the target post.
Our brand new product, SVG Divider for Elementor decorates your site with eye-catching artwork. Let’s see what kind of novelty it brings to the table!
We use the free UpdraftPlus plugin to connect to Amazon S3 for WordPress backups. AWS is cheaper than Google Drive or Dropbox for our storage needs.
I recommend Relevanssi, a free WordPress plugin that replaces native WordPress search with a more relevant and configurable one. It can index CPTs too.
A collection of selection criteria and advice based on how we are using WordPress plugins. I reveal how we keep our sites fast and how to avoid bad eggs.
Read the story of the once popular YARPP or Yet Another Related Posts Plugin. Who were its developers? What led it down the path of deterioration?
We use the WP User Avatars plugin to show custom SVG avatars across this site. While Gravatars can be great, we weren’t delighted with them.
This tip bundle helps point you in the right direction when you want to change a 3rd party website (for your eyes only). You get a manipulation toolset.
This review of the UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin focuses on the importance of backing up remotely and features a restore test from a simulated loss.
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